WalkAbout3d allows SketchUp users to explore their designs as a full screen real-time walkthrough - all at the press of a button. WalkAbout3d has anaglyph stereoscopic support as standard. Whilst SketchUp is arguably the best 3d design tool around, it does stop short of real time walk-through visualisation. However with very little effort SketchUp users can now use WalkAbout3d to walk through their designs in realtime, in full-screen and optionally in stereo – there is not an easier or better way to explore and experience a SketchUp. By pressing the WalkAbout3d plugin button in SketchUp, choosing your avatar height, you'll be immersed in the design, with the ability to move through the design taking any route you choose. Also with the "Publish" function, you can let your clients do this too, in conjunction with the free-to-download-and-distribute WalkAbout3d Viewer.